It's been almost 3 weeks since I started bouncing on the Cellerciser. The past week was trying at work as I was driving a long way to the drive site, working 12 to 16 hours, then driving home every night. Then I pulled a 12 hour day on Sunday. Through it all I found time to bounce every morning before leaving for work, and every night when I got home.
I don't think I've lost any additional weight. My diet has been terrible, and it's tough to drink enough water while out on a job site. I do feel like I'm healthier and fitter than I was when I started though. I quite proud that I have found time to bounce no matter how busy I got.
Thinking I might post some one month in photos to see if there's been any physical change. I know mentally I'm sharper than ever, more able to stand up to long work days, and stressful situations, and I find I don't get as drained or sleepy while driving. Physically I've had more energy even as I'm doing more with less rest and sleep.